Posts: Virtual Post-Secondary Fair Grades 9-12- March 29-31

3/15/2021 1:03 PM by Ashley.Vautour

Attention Grade 9-12 Students and Parents:


AARAO (Atlantic Association of Registrars and Admissions Officers) will be hosting a Virtual Post-Secondary Fair  being held on March 29, 30 & 31st.  This is a great opportunity for students considering college or university to gain added insight into their programs and institutions.   Students in grades 9-11  will be able to explore the opportunities available to them in the years to come;   Grade 12 students  will be able to  check in with their institution of choice and ask any questions they may have  in preparation for their transition. 


Students can sign up for this opportunity by clicking on the link below. 




Monday, March 29

Tuesday, March 30

Wednesday, March 31



6:30pm-8:00pm AST


Event link


There will be no formal presentations from representatives, each representative will have a private break out room to engage with participants. If any students are interested in seeing presentations or reviewing Member profiles in advance, a reminder that this information is available online at:


AARAO Executive YouTube Channel with Member presentations:

AARAO Member profiles:

Published Date Only: 3/15/2021
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