Posts: Weekly Newsletter

1/29/2021 8:36 AM by Ashley.Vautour

Semester 2 Start Up

We made it through Assessment Week without any weather interruptions!  Semester 2 begins on Wednesday, February 3rd.  Our M-Z cohort will attend in person that day.  Students in the A-L cohort begin on Thursday, February 4th.

For second semester, all high schools in the province will be implementing live Teams calls as part of each class.  All students whose cohort is working from home must join the live call in order to receive instructions for their class.  It is during this call that attendance will be taken.  This is a change from this semester where attendance was often taken by responding to a Teams post.  If a student does not join the call, they will be recorded as Absent for the period.

These daily calls will begin on Friday, February 5th.  For Wednesday and Thursday next week teachers will go over classroom routines and procedures, review how Teams will be used in their classes, and spend time getting to know their new students. 

Students should bring their devices with them next week so that they can be sure they know how to access materials for each course.


Course Changes

If students are aware of needed course changes, or would like to explore possible changes, they are strongly encouraged to complete the Guidance Request on the school website (  Guidance Counsellors will call students before Semester 2 begins so that as many students as possible will have their schedules settled when we begin next week.


February Calendar

The calendar for February is attached.  Please note that in the case of a school closure due to weather, the calendar will shift by a day.  If that happens, we will send out an updated calendar for you.  February Calendar.pdf

Category: Weekly Newsletter
Published Date Only: 1/29/2021
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