Posts: Weekly Newsletter

9/24/2020 12:11 PM by Ashley.Vautour

At Home Learning Days Forms

Today and tomorrow students should be bringing home a form for each course with information regarding their At Home Learning Days. This information is intended to help students and parents/guardians better understand where to find course materials on Teams, and what students should be doing on a typical day. 


Ask your student to work through the steps, show you their Teams sites, and demonstrate how they access the materials they need!  The school website ( has a Teams Tutorials section at the top with a series of documents and videos to help support students in navigating the program.


You will notice that we are asking that you return the bottom portion of each form so we know that parents/guardians received the information.


These plans will no doubt change as the semester progresses and each teacher learns what works best for their course and the students in their class.  If you have specific questions, please reach out to the subject teacher(s).


Where can students go for technical help?


The provincial Call Centre for BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is available to help students with technical issues related to Teams, school and home wifi networks, and applications.  The toll-free number to call is 1-833-453-1140.  If more help is needed, please ask a teacher to submit a Help Desk call so our I.T. Technician can follow up.


How can parents/guardians help?


Set a schedule:  Help your students set and maintain a daily schedule so they are ready to work by the beginning of Period 1 (9:15).


Have a consistent work space:  If possible, have a consistent workspace at home where a student can work away from as many distractions as possible.


Get to know Teams:  Ask your student to show you their Teams site.  Do they know where to access the materials and how to communicate with their teacher and classmates?


Ask to see the course outline:  Course outlines are posted within each Team site.  Ask your student to show you what they are learning and how it will be assessed.


Remain positive:  Student attitudes towards school often reflect the feelings of those around them.  Remain positive – even when there are stumbling blocks.  Encourage your student to reach out for help when they get stuck –and to continue trying even when the technology or the course content may be challenging.


Frequently Asked Questions – COVID Attendance


This link will take you to a provincial document which answers several questions regarding when students can and cannot attend school due to COVID symptoms.  I would encourage all of you to take a few minutes to read through it, as it answers many common questions.


Youth Study Zone


The Carleton Community Centre, in collaboration with the Boys and Girls Club, is offering their multi-purpose room for students to use in order to complete school work during some of their At Home Learning Days (Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:00pm – 4:00pm).  This would provide access to wifi, supervision, and a space to work.  Pre-registration is required through the following link:

Published Date Only: 9/24/2020
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