Posts: Weekly Newsletter

1/17/2020 3:18 PM by Ashley.Vautour

Exam Schedule

Exam schedules were posted throughout the school prior to Christmas Break – and have also been posted on the school website.  It is also attached to this email. Students are responsible for ensuring they understand when and where each of their exams are taking place.  EXAM SCHEDULE Jan 2020.pdf 


Students missing an exam due to illness will require a doctor’s note.


Exams will take place January 20 – 23.  January 24th is set aside in case of a storm day during that week.  If there is a school closure during exam week – all exams move forward one day.


There is no school for students on January 27 – 28 as these are days to finalize first semester marks and prepare for second semester to begin.  Classes resume for students on Wednesday, January 29.



Exam Busing

During exam week, students are only required to attend during the times they are writing an exam.  Regular bus runs will be in place throughout the week, but we also have an additional bus run which will leave school each day at 12:15 – and travels to Manchester Avenue and then takes the Westfield Road up to the flashing light in Westfield. 



Open House

Our Open House for Grade 8 students will be held on Monday, February 10 beginning at 6:00 in the Auditorium. Please help to spread the word to family and friends who may have a student in Grade 8.



Student and Parent access to PowerSchool will be shut down today until students return for 2nd semester.  Students will receive home reports when they return on January 29. 


Bell Let’s Talk Day

On January 29 (first day of 2nd semester) HVHS will be participating in Bell Let’s Talk Day to raise awareness and end stigma around Mental Health.  Students are asked to wear blue as part of that day’s focus on mental health.

Category: Weekly Newsletter
Published Date Only: 1/17/2020
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