Posts: Wellness Week 1

10/21/2019 11:15 AM by Ashley.Vautour

Hello Vikings! Welcome to our first Wellness Week of the school



Wellness week is a monthly student organized incentive dedicated
towards promoting Mental Fitness amongst our students and demonstrating how to
live a healthy lifestyle for teens.



We are celebrating by having mindfulness activities in homeroom
and healthy snacks for nutrition break on Monday; Tuesday a trivia contest will
begin in homeroom and fruit smoothies will be sold for 2$ at lunch;
Wednesday is 'Wellness Wednesday' where over 25 sessions will be running
for students to attend; on Thursday students will enjoy a 'Thoughtful Thursday'
activity in homeroom and a garden harvest lunch will be provided for the whole
school at lunch; and Friday there will be pumpkin carving in homeroom!



Some of the Wellness sessions running this week are as follows:
Cool Coloring, Free Thought, Dungeons & Dragons, intro to Tai Chi, Guitar Club, Furry Friends, and many more; see the attached PDF for the other sessions
being hosted:


Wellness Wednesday Oct, 2019.pdf


Enjoy the
wellness week activities Vikings!

Category: Happenings at School
Published Date Only: 10/21/2019
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