Posts: Fish Friends at Inglewood School

5/6/2014 9:11 PM by conan.murphy

Friends at Inglewood School


Grade 4 Millett



year is the second year in a row that Mr. Millett’s Class has participated in
the Atlantic Salmon Federation’s Fish Friends Programme. 


in the area that participate in the programme set up an aquarium in their
school and receive from 100-200 salmon fish eggs in March. They care for the
eggs from the egg stage, to the Alevin stage and finally until they become fry,
at which point they release them into a local brook on Base Gagetown known as
Coleman Brook.  The Programme ties in
nicely with the Grade 4 Science Curriculum on Habitat Studies and allows the
students to have a unique experience as amateur fish biologists and


addition to raising the fish, the students study the life cycle of salmon, they
have a presentation by Ranger Bob a retired Department of Natural Resources
Officer and they participate in the Salmon Release Field Trip which includes
fish biologists, summer interns, Base Gagetown Staff, Ranger Bob and a chance
to see up close different species of fish in Coleman Brook and a real fish
ladder.  It is an excellent hands-on
learning experience for all the students.

Category: Category 3
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