Pages: Theatre-Club

Name: Theatre-Club.aspx
Title: Theatre Company
Scheduling Start Date:
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Contact: conan.murphy
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Page Content: Inglewood School Theatre Company:

This is the first year for the Inglewood School
Theatre Company.  This rag-tag group of
young thespians has taken the plunge into the world of theatre, imagination and
creativity.  Will they sink, swim, or
just fake it?  I think they will fake
it!  After all they are actors!  We meet each Monday at noon recess from April
to June and spend 45 minutes doing theatre games, skits, mime, comedy, sketches,
music interpretation, dance, and having an all-out rollicking good time.  We hope to perform some material for the next
talent show and for the year end closing. 
Next year if there is sufficient interest we hope to start in October
and do a full production and take it to the Drama Festival!  Now wouldn’t that be dramatic?  Mr. Millett has plans to do a Shakespeare
Production outside on the schools grounds. 
Stay tuned….

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Created at 4/30/2014 2:49 PM by conan.murphy
Last modified at 5/7/2014 9:46 AM by conan.murphy
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