Pages: Chess

Name: Chess.aspx
Title: Chess
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Contact: conan.murphy
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Page Content: Inglewood School Chess Club: Check it out mate!

Inglewood School has a Chess Club.  They start meeting in November and continue
to meet and play twice a week at noon recess until April.  Each meeting is a mix of lessons, coaching
and free- play.  Each February the Club
has an annual School Chess Tournament during Winter Carnival Week, which is
open to all students.  The top two or
three finishers at each grade level get to go to the District Chess Tournament
and compete for a spot at the provincials which are held in April. This year we
had one player who almost made it to the provincials but lost in a three way
playoff.  This year we had twenty-four
players come out on a regular basis to play. 
All players are welcome from beginners to more knowledgeable


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Created at 4/30/2014 2:35 PM by conan.murphy
Last modified at 5/7/2014 8:42 AM by conan.murphy
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