Pages: Partnerships

Name: Partnerships.aspx
Title: Partnerships
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Computer Generated Solutions has partnered with Saint Rose School to make a difference in our students' lives. CGS has been part of our SOS Program (Save one Student), reading initiatives and most recently a 10-week enrichment project. In our CGS Video enrichment project, each student created a 30 second career video where they researched a chosen career, created a script for that career, acted, filmed, recorded and edited their videos. The result was an amazing collection of career information. We are proud and indebited to Doug and Donna Stephen, Naomi McGraw and Micah White, our project leads. Most recently GCS contributed to the Saint Rose School 50th Anniversary with time capsule contents.




QM Construction joined our team in May 2010. We are thrilled to have Larry Dunlop and Cindy Millican on board. They are sponsoring one student in our SOS Program and they are providing a vehicle for the Lancaster Parade. QM buried our time capsule and placed an engraved marker to be retrieved in 25 years. Students have benefited from the newly acquired notebook computers, reading material, and bean bag chair for Language Arts Daily Five!



Scotiabank, our newest official PALS parnter, has supported our school community in various ways. Employees are released from their Scoitabank duties to prepare food for students for our Breakfast Program and to assist with our Hot Lunch order collation weekly. It is through important community partnership such as these that our students benefit while providing adults with a wonderful connections to youth in their community.


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Created at 6/22/2011 9:24 PM by i:0#.f|nbedldapmembershipprovider|mark.bates
Last modified at 6/22/2011 9:31 PM by i:0#.f|nbedldapmembershipprovider|mark.bates
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