Posts: Principal's Message ~ Friday, December 8th, 2017

12/8/2017 4:00 PM by melissa.savoie

Forest Hills School

We Build Inclusion, Capacity, and Learning Communities


December 8th, 2017


This is a message from Mrs. Savoie, principal at Forest Hills School.


We would like to invite you to Hillsong’s performance, “Jingle Bell Jukebox,” on Tuesday, December 12th at 6:30 in the theatre.  We are asking for donations to the music program and 50/50 tickets and
raffle tickets in support of our Christmas Families will be available.  We will end the evening with hot chocolate and cookies for our performers and guests.


Our elementary Christmas Concert will be on Tuesday the 12th.  We have three different shows throughout the day, so please see the website or contact the school to see when your children perform. 
We will also have raffle tickets and 50/50 tickets available in support of FHS Christmas families.


It’s getting to be that time of year again when snow storms are upon us.  Hopefully we won’t have any half day cancellations, but just in case, please let us know if your contact information has changed.  Thank


Finally, it’s getting colder and colder so please make sure your children are coming to school bundled up.  We will try to be outside as much as possible.


Remember Falcons, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Safe!



Have a nice weekend,


Melissa Savoie


Forest Hills School


We Build Inclusion, Capacity, and Learning Communities


Forest Hills School students will become successful, productive citizens fulfilling their passions in life as part
of an ever-changing world.


Published Date Only: December 08, 2017
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