Posts: Principal's Message ~ Friday, September 1st, 2017

9/1/2017 4:40 PM by melissa.savoie

Forest Hills School

We Build Inclusion, Capacity, and Learning Communities


September 1st, 2017


This is a message from Mrs. Savoie, principal at Forest Hills School.


Thank you all for joining us for our PSSC/Open House!  We had between 400 and 500 people attend.  What a great way to start the year!


With the start of school in mind, we have a couple of important items to mention:


Bussing:  We are very happy to have the new busing system in ASD-S, but there are some bugs to work out at this point.  We’d ask that all parents check bussing information on the ASD-S
website tonight or over the weekend to ensure that there haven’t been any changes.  On the ASD-S website, click on “Find my bus route,” click transportation eligibility, enter your address, grade level, program of study, and click submit.  This memo is posted
on our website and directions are recorded on our phone line. We appreciate your patience.


First Day: All grade 1-8 students will start on Tuesday the 5th. K walking students only will start on the 5th and K bussing students only will start on the 6th. 
All K students will attend on the 7th.    


Class Assignments: We have made every effort to have the first day and following weeks run as smoothly as possible for your children.  That being said, we always have several students
move in and out of our school zone over the summer.  Due to class size and composition, please be aware that we may need to change class assignment during the first few weeks of school.


We are happy to let you know that the breakfast program will be up and running at 8:15 on the first day of school.  For those of you not familiar with the program, it is open to all
K-8 students in the middle level cafeteria where we serve toast, milk, fruit and at times other breakfast items. 


We’re looking forward to another great year here at Forest Hills!  Please remember if you every have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us!


Remember Falcons, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Safe!



Have a nice long weekend,



Melissa Savoie


Forest Hills School


We Build Inclusion, Capacity, and Learning Communities


Forest Hills School students will become successful, productive citizens fulfilling their passions in life as part
of an ever-changing world.


Published Date Only: September 01, 2017
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