Posts: Principal's Message January 22, 2016

1/22/2016 4:35 PM by erika.brown

January 22th, 2016

This is a message from Mrs. Brown, vice principal at Forest Hills School.

It is getting very cold outside.  Please make sure your children are bundled up as we will be outside as much as possible.  Also, a spare pair of
mitts in their book bag is good idea.

As many of you are aware the Saint John community is accepting Syrian Refugees. Some of our FHS teachers are already volunteering and report that
other volunteers are urgently needed for “Welcome Teams”. There is more information available on the YMCA- SJ website under Syrian Response then click “donate”. There are 4 main ways for you to donate: 1. your time, 2. Furniture and Household Goods: Lancaster
Baptist Church, 3. Clothing: Hillcrest Baptist Church and 4. Financially: variety of ways please refer to YMCA website.

Hillsong Students are selling tickets to the Saint John SeaDogs. Tickets are $15. They will be performing O’Canada March 3rd at Harbour
Stations to open the game.

Twin Day at Forest Hills will be Wednesday January 27. Students are encouraged to dress similar to a friend. All participating students will earn
house points for their team. The points have been re-set so each team is starting off fresh!

Family Fitness Night will be February 3rd. Please save the date. We hope you are able to join us.

High School information session will be held for grade 8 students February 4th.

Remember Falcons, be respectful, be responsible, and be safe!

Have a great weekend,

Mrs. Brown

Published Date Only: January 22, 2016
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