Posts: Principal's Message ~ Friday, January 15th, 2016

1/15/2016 4:15 PM by melissa.savoie

Forest Hills School

We Build Inclusion, Capacity, and Learning Communities

January 15th, 2016


This is a message from Mrs. Savoie, principal at Forest Hills School.


It is getting very cold outside.  Please make sure your children are bundled up as we will be outside as much as possible.  Also, a spare pair of mitts in their book bag is
good idea.


We currently don’t have any volunteers to serve hot lunch on Mondays or every other Friday.  If anyone is able to help us, we’d really appreciate it!  Please call 658-5338.


Rainbows sessions will be starting next week for students who registered.  If you have any questions, you can contact Ms. Sampson.


Remember Falcons, be respectful, be responsible, and be safe!


Have a great weekend,



Melissa Savoie


Forest Hills School


We Build Inclusion, Capacity, and Learning Communities


Forest Hills School students will become successful, productive citizens fulfilling their passions in life as part
of an ever-changing world.


Published Date Only: January 15, 2016
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