Posts: Principals Message December 18

12/18/2015 4:45 PM by erika.brown

December 18, 2015

This is a message from Mrs. Brown, vice principal at Forest Hills School.

It has been a busy week here at school. The Hillsong performance Tuesday evening was a smashing success. Well done to all of those who participated and thank
you to everyone who came to enjoy the show. Hillsong will start up again after the break. Their next public showcase will be singing O’Canada at Harbour Station.

We concluded the first portion of our House points today with the Loyal Larks coming up on top. We will start fresh in January.

There is no hot lunch the first week we are back from the Holiday Break. Students return to classes January 5.

From all of us here at Forest Hills School we hope you have a safe and happy Holiday.

Remember Falcons, be respectful, be responsible, and be safe!


Have a great week,

Mrs. Brown

Published Date Only: December 18, 2015
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