Pages: School-Enrichment

Name: School-Enrichment.aspx
Title: School Enrichment
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Page Content: The Schoolwide Enrichment Model (Renzulli & Reis, 1997) is a significant component of the enrichment program in School District 8. It is a systematic set a specific strategies for increasing student effort, enjoyment, and academic achievement of all students. For more information about the SEM click here: Schoolwide Enrichment Model.
Enrichment at the school level is administered by a School Enrichment Team (SET), led by the School Enrichment Coordinator (SEC). The SET meets regularly to determine what enrichment activities will be offered to the students. In this model, school may choose two routes: the Activity Route or the Cluster Route. See below for more information.
1- Enrichment Activities: There are three types of activities that can be offered at to the whole school, at a grade level or to a small group of students. Type I activities are meant to expose students to topics that may or may not be covered in the curriculum. The goal is to see who has a real interest in the topic and pursue it further. Type II activities help students develop the skills needed to pursue an in-depth study about the topic seen in the Type activity. Type III activities are student-initiated and directed, leading to a real-life product or service shared with an audience.
2- Enrichment Clusters: This type of school enrichment involves the whole school community. It's an opportunity for students, teachers and community members to gather during a specific block of time around a specific topic of interest. The goal of Enrichment Clusters, is also to create a product or a service to be shared with an audience.
IMPORTANT: The staff at your school may have several ideas for enrichment projects involving the whole  school, a grade level or a single class. Your Enrichment Coordinator can help the staff prioritize projects and, by consensus, decide which project will benefit from some funding from the Enrichment Centre. Each school is invited to apply for funding to cover costs associated with any school-based enrichment projects up to a maximum of $500. See below for more information.
Wondering who's looking after enrichment at your school?                                      

School Enrichment Coordinators     

Wondering how can your SET can access funding for school-based enrichment projects?



Application Form

Approved Funding

Activity Report

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Created at 11/10/2011 2:46 PM by i:0#.f|nbedldapmembershipprovider|mark.bates
Last modified at 11/11/2011 1:11 PM by i:0#.f|nbedldapmembershipprovider|mark.bates
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