Pages: Volunteer-Information

Name: Volunteer-Information.aspx
Title: Volunteer Information
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Contact: gary.sullivan
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Page Content: We at EMNS appreciate the time and commitment that vounteers give to our community to help enrich the experience for our students.  In order to ensure that our students are safe under an adult's supervision we require some paperwork to be on file.

We require a criminal record check from each volunteer, a copy of the downloaded Policy 701 quiz and a completed driver information form if you are transporting students on behalf of the school.  Those forms are attached below for your use.

Completed forms should be submitted to the office, or scanned and emailed to


Criminal Record Check Form.pdf


Volunteer Drivers Authorization Form.doc


Click the following link to complete the Policy 701 Validation Quesionnaire

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Created at 10/3/2012 10:48 AM by gary.sullivan
Last modified at 9/19/2017 11:10 AM by andrea.connors
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