Posts: Nov 17th

11/17/2021 6:55 PM by Shonna.Martin

Messages from Bayview School                                                               November 17, 2021


Good evening Bayview Families,


Kiwanis Cash Calendars are still available at our school. As the holiday season fast approaches, these calendars make fabulous gifts. If you have not had a chance to pick one up yet, you have until the end of the month to grab one. Just send in $20.00 with your child and we will send one home right away. We thank you in advance for supporting Bayview School.


The Coffee orders have arrived late today. We will sort through them tomorrow and Friday and have them out to those who ordered. Thanks to everyone who supported this fundraiser.


Hot lunch is back up and running now. It took a bit of time to get milk back in our building. Online ordering is set up again and remember this closes each week at midnight Sunday evenings. If you happen to miss ordering it online, then you may send in the order and the cash on Monday mornings. Please keep in mind that orders received after Monday may not be processed.


We want to let everyone know that starting Monday, November 22nd we will begin having Pizza Mondays again. This event is sponsored by Irving Oil Refinery. We thank them very much for purchasing pizza for our school each Monday. Please remember that if your child does not like pizza then please send in a lunch for them as this is the only option available on Mondays.


This is a reminder that there is no school this Friday, November 19th for students as it is a Professional Learning Day for all staff. You could always refer to the New Brunswick Education School Calendar with is located on the district website for days when schools are closed to students.


Yours in Education,

Mrs. Baxter

Published Date Only: November 17, 2021
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