Posts: Tuesday April 18th, 2023

4/18/2023 9:06 AM by amy.mcclure

Here are your morning announcements for Tuesday, April 18th, 2023. 

*The announcements posted today reflect those which were read this morning. Please be aware that changes could occur during the day (cancellations, etc.) and we might not be able to amend them.  

First Half- Yellow, Green, Black and White classrooms will report to cafeteria during the first half of lunch. The grade level groups from blue, purple, red and orange teams will report to target locations using the Courtenay Bay Doors.    

Second Half- blue, purple, red and orange will report to cafeteria and grade level groups from Yellow, Green, Black and White will be in their assigned areas using the back doors near the gym. 

Target Locations: This week the grade 8 groups will report to the Courtyard, grade 6 groups will report to the field/Courtney Ave Side of the building, and grade 7 groups will report to the gym. 

Rotation Flow Chart: Gym --> Courtyard --> Field --> Gym 

Our grade 7 classes will be eating in their homerooms during their designated eating time this week.  Staff, please follow the duty rotation sent out. 

Just a reminder if you have forgotten or need lunch, we have free lunches served from the library every day. Please go to the library at the beginning of your eating time to pick up your lunch.  

Clubs & Activities: Only announce today and tomorrow’s clubs  




Dungeons & Dragons Club: We will meet in Mr. Carpenter’s room 114. Don’t forget to bring your lunch. 

Animation club is today  

Band – Trumpets Today at lunch  

Gardening club today in room 312. New members welcome! Members, please remember to water your trays! 




GIRL TALK begins today in Room 335 with Ms. Nickerson. This group is for Grade 8 girls who want to join a community of girls who support girls. Come today during the first half of lunch to learn more about this group. 

Activities Club – Cancelled Tuesday April 11. See you next week 

Culture Club: Culture will meet today in Mrs. Welch’s classroom 232! Don’t forget your lunch! 

Sports Club: Cancelled Tuesday April 18th because grade 7s are eating lunch in their homerooms. 

Band- Woodwinds, Baritone and Bass sectional 

CHOIR – meet in the music room for Block E with your teacher’s permission 

Fitness Club – Cancelled today  

Heritage Fair: Please note that there will be an important meeting for all chosen participants tomorrow, Wednesday, at noon in Mr. Robinson’s room 




3D Print Club – No 3D print club this week.  Stay tuned next week for a new club starting alongside 3D print club 

Renaissance Team: will be meeting in room 130 (Mme. Ferrar’s room) during the second half of lunch today. We will also be taking our yearbook photo, so be sure to attend. 

Art Club – Bring your lunch! 

Choir – Harmony parts practice Wednesday at lunch.  

Band – Full Band Rehearsal after school 




GSA – We will have a special guest speaker today. Come ready to participate respectfully.  Remember, if you decide to come, you stay for the whole hour. 

Band – Percussion Cancelled 

CHOIR – MEET IN THE MUSIC ROOM Block B with your teacher’s permission  

Woodworking Club  

Garden club members, please remember to water your trays! 




Drama Club: 

Tech Crew – meet in the music room at lunch 

The computer lab will be open  

Additional Activity Notices:  



Practice Thursday after school from 3-5:30.  


All volleyball teams. Please pay your athletic fee on Cashless Schools and return the form to your coach. 

JV Girls: Practice today 3-4:30. Game at Divine Mercy tomorrow, Wednesday. 

Varsity Girls: Practice Monday and Tuesday 4:30-6 and Wednesday 3-

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