Posts: February 15th, 2023

2/15/2023 8:15 AM by amy.mcclure

I’m _________________and here are your morning announcements for Wednesday February 15th, 2023. 

*The announcements posted today reflect those which were read this morning. Please be aware that changes could occur during the day (cancellations, etc.) and we might not be able to amend them.  

First Half- Red, Orange, Black and White classrooms will report to cafeteria during the first half of lunch. The grade level groups from blue, purple, yellow and green teams will report to target locations using the Courtenay Bay Doors.    

Second Half- Blue, Purple, yellow and green will report to cafeteria and grade level groups from Red, Orange, Black and white will be in their assigned areas using the back doors near the gym. 

Target Locations: This week the grade 8 groups will report to the Field, grade 6 groups will report to the gym and grade 7 groups will report to the Courtyard.   

Rotation Flow Chart: Gym --> Courtyard --> Field --> Gym 

Our grade 6 classes will be eating in their homerooms during their designated eating time this week.  Staff, please follow the duty rotation sent out. 

This is Staff Appreciation Week, and each day we will shout out to a group of staff members that make Bayside a wonderful place to be! 

Today we would like to acknowledge our Dedicated Supply Staff and Itinerant Teacher Mr. Boudreau. Our guest staff step in daily to fill in for our staff and help keep the Bronco Ship afloat.  We also celebrate our Custodial team for their dedication to keeping our school tidy and taking care of all the messes they didn’t create! If you see a custodian in the hallway today, please thank them for the job they do!  

Clubs & Activities: Only announce today and tomorrow’s clubs  




Dungeons & Dragons Club: We will meet on Mondays in Mrs. Sabin’s room 230. Don’t forget to bring your lunch 

There will be a new club in the computer lab at lunch for students interested in Animation!   

Band – Trumpets  

Gardening club! Interested in growing your own veggies? Wondering what gardening is all about? Come to room 312 on Monday at lunch to learn all about this new club! 




Activities Club – Cancelled today; see you next week. Room 237, Bring your lunch and stay for the hour. 

Culture Club: Culture club is cancelled this week,  

Sports Club: in Mr. Walls classroom today at lunch during first half only since grade 7s are eating in their classrooms this week.  

Yearbook –  

Band- Clarinets, Saxes, Baritone and Basses 




3D Print Club – No 3D print club this week as grade 8 are eating in their class. 

Renaissance Team: Will be meeting Wednesday at lunch to continue our poster making project. We will meet in Mr. Walls classroom (room 309 on the top floors since the grade 6s are eating in their classrooms. s   

The auditorium and computer lab will be open today as alternate locations.  

Art Club – Cancelled today. The art room will be closed at lunch. 

Choir – At lunch in the music room. New members welcome! 

Band – Full Band Rehearsal after school 

Anyone participating in the Heritage Fair is asked to go to Mr. Robinson’s Room, 334, for a check in meeting at the beginning of lunch today. Whether you are already signed up, or new, please attend for the first 15 minutes of so of lunch today. 




GSA –This week will be another GSA discussion week. All are welcome. If you choose to come, be ready for rich discussion.   

Yearbook Committee – room 325 

Band – Percussion 

Woodworking Club  




Drama Club: No Drama club this week as the grade 6’s are eating in their classrooms. 

Tech Crew – meet in the music room at lunch 

The computer lab will

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