Posts: Friday October 28th, 2022

10/28/2022 8:41 AM by amy.mcclure

Here are your morning announcements for Friday October 28th,  2022.   

*The announcements posted today reflect those which were read this morning. Please be aware that changes could occur during the day (cancellations, etc.) and we might not be able to amend them.  

First Half- Red, Orange, Yellow, and Green classrooms will report to cafeteria during the first half of lunch. The grade level groups from blue, purple, black and white teams will report to target locations using the Courtenay Bay Doors.    

Second Half- Blue, Purple, Black, and White will report to cafeteria and grade level groups from Red, Orange, Yellow, and Green will be in their assigned areas using the back doors near the gym. 

Target Locations: This week the grade 6 groups will report to the Courtyard, grade 7 groups will report to the field and grade 8 groups will report to the gym. 

Rotation Flow Chart: Gym --> Courtyard --> Field --> Gym 


Our grade 8 classes will be eating in their homerooms during their designated eating time this week.  Staff, please follow the duty rotation sent out. 

Walking students, please use the Courtnay Bay door at dismissal time. 

Important Info:  


Clubs & Activities:  




Dungeons & Dragons Club: D&D Club will be cancelled this week because the grade 7s are eating in their classrooms. The next meeting will be in Mrs. Shannon’s room on Monday, November 7 at lunch.    




Board Game Club – meets in room 237 with Mr. Swain. You are free to bring your own school appropriate game. Bring your lunch and stay for the hour. Board game club is cancelled if it is an inside break at lunch. 

Culture Club:  (Tuesday Nov. 1/15/22 December 6/13) (no culture club the weeks that grade 6 eat in their classroom) Are you interested in learning about a new culture? Are you interested in sharing your culture? Bring your lunch to Mrs. Welch’s room 232 and join us.   




Choir – at lunch 

3D Print Club – 3D Print Club is cancelled for today as the grade 8s are eating in their classroom.  See Mme Hickey if you need your log in information to work on designs from home. 

Manga Club: We had a great first meeting. We will not meet next week because the grade 7s will be eating in their classrooms. Our next meeting will be in Mrs. Shannon’s room on Wednesday, November 9 at lunch.    

Arabic Club – if you’d to join the Arabic club, please go to Mrs. Harris’ room, 134 Wednesday (tomorrow), at lunch.   




GSA – meets at lunch in the auditorium. All are welcome! 




Drama Club: Will take place this week (Friday October 28th) bring your lunch down to Mme. Creamer’s room (132) and stay for the hour, all are welcome! 

Yearbook Committee: Meeting is cancelled this week.  

Cheerleading: Practice will be held this Friday, October 28 after school from 3 to 5pm. Please have your hair up, jewelry off and gym clothes ready for practice.   


Additional Activity Notices:  

BEGINNER BAND -  All Band Students - Beginner Band Morning is tomorrow (Saturday) 8:45-11:30am at QMS. Don’t forget to take your instrument and music home!!! 

Tech Crew - Meeting at lunch in the music room 

Yearbook Committee :    

Art/Comics Club will be cancelled this week.  




Cross Country – The ribbons are in! If you placed in the top 3 in the first race at the Forest Hills and have been waiting for your ribbon, wait no longer! Stop by Mr. Ellsworth’s room #319 anytime today to pick up your ribbons. 


Boys Soccer:   
Our next game is Tuesday, Nov. 1 @ MNS. Practice Monday from 3-4 at Bayside. 


Girls Soccer  
The girls’ soccer team will practice Monday,

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