Posts: Friday October 14th, 2022

10/14/2022 9:10 AM by amy.mcclure

Here are your morning announcements for Friday October 14th , 2022.   

*The announcements posted today reflect those which were read this morning. Please be aware that changes could occur during the day (cancellations, etc.) and we might not be able to amend them.  

First Half- Red, Orange, Yellow, and Green classrooms will report to cafeteria during the first half of lunch. The grade level groups from blue, purple, black and white teams will report to target locations using the Courtenay Bay Doors.    

Second Half- Blue, Purple, Black, and White will report to cafeteria and grade level groups from Red, Orange, Yellow, and Green will be in their assigned areas using the back doors near the gym. 

Target Locations: This week the grade 6 groups will report to the field grade 7 groups will report to the gym and grade 8 groups will report to the Courtyard 

Rotation Flow Chart: Gym --> Courtyard --> Field --> Gym 


Our grade 7 classes will be eating in their homerooms during their designated eating time this week.  Staff, please follow the duty rotation sent out in the Sunday Memo.   

Important Info:  

Today our grade 7 and 8 students will be participating in the Immunization Clinic in the cafeteria. Classes will be called down when the nurses are ready.  

Picture Re-take day is going to be held on October 20th, only students who have returned their retake request form, and those who missed the first round will be permitted to attend.  



Clubs and Activities: 


BEGINNER BAND: Awesome Practice after school yesterday! We made SO MUCH PROGRESS!!! 

Thursday at lunch – All Brass, Basses and Percussion 


Tech Crew - Next Meeting is Friday at lunch, Bring your lunch to the music room then we will head to the auditorium. 

GSA will meet Thursday at lunch in the auditorium. All are welcome. 

Friday Gr 6 Comics/Drawing Club will be happening in Mr. Carpenter’s classroom during lunch...he’s in Room 114. The sign-up sheet will be posted on Wednesday located outside of room 114. 

Board Game Club – Tuesdays in Mr. Swain’s room (237). Mr. Swain has a variety of board games to enjoy. Feel free to bring your own school appropriate board games. Bring your lunches and stay for the hour. Open to the first 20 students. 

3D Print Club – Starts Wednesday at lunch in Mme Hickey’s (Room 218).  Bring your lunch and learn how to design in 3D space, and even print some of your projects.  Limited to 25 students. 

Drama Club: Drama Club is starting up this Friday (October 14th ) at lunch hour. If you’re interested in acting and being on stage, bring your lunch down to Mme. Creamer’s Class (Room 132) to play some theatre games, and work on acting skills. 

Dungeons & Dragons Club: Students interested in joining a small D&D club can come to Mrs. Shannon’s room (room 314) on Monday at lunch. Limited to 10 students for now.  


Boys Soccer:   

The boys played a great game yesterday pulling out a 2-0 win over Forest hills. Well done team. There will be a practice on Monday from 3-4 and a game against Sam de Champ on Tuesday at forest hills field.  


Girls Soccer  


Ultimate Frisbee 

Tryouts for the Co-Ed Ultimate Frisbee team will be Thursday, October 20th starting after school until 4:30pm in the gym. Please have a parent/guardian pick you up no later than 4:35pm.  Everyone is welcome. Appropriate clothing and sneakers are required. The tournament will be on Saturday, November 5th. See Ms. Hills if you have any questions. 


Cheerleading: Practice will be held this Friday, October 14th after school from 3-5:30. Please have your hair up, jewelry

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