Posts: June News Letter

6/6/2022 8:37 AM by amy.mcclure

Bayside Bulletin- June 2022



This is the final edition of the Bayside Bulletin for the 2021-22 school year.
Another year that will not be easily forgotten. Despite work stoppages and the
Pandemic, it has been a busy year for students and staff who were faced with
unique challenges. Sincere thanks to all who showed a sense of determination
and resiliency and made the most of this school year. A sense of normalcy returned
in March when restrictions were lifted and clubs, sports, and other activities
returned. Teachers still taught and students still were learning. Bayside has
received local and provincial recognition this year for the achievements of our
students and staff. Our staff still had high expectations for your children,
and learning outcomes were successfully met. Thanks to parents and families for
their constant support. Best wishes are extended to the Grade 8s as they move
on to high school in September. We look forward to having our Grade 6s and 7s
return in the fall of 2021. We will be welcoming a new group of over two
hundred Grade 5 students. Have a safe and happy summer.



Staffing News-
Staffing for the 2022-20232 is a work in progress. We anticipate some movement
of teachers and support staff from now until September. We wish Ms. Nickerson
and her family best wishes as she is taking a maternity leave next school year.
Madame Legere, Mrs. Sabin, and Mrs. Godreau-McCarthy are expected to return
from their respective leaves in September. Mr. Jamie Ross will be returning to
Bayside after teaching at the Compass Centre for several years. After over 20
years at Bayside, Mr. Manuel has accepted a transfer to KVHS. Mr. Shephard will
be heading to SJHS after 15 years at Bayside. We will miss their dedication to
the school…especially in the area of Physical Education and extra-curricular
sports. We also say farewell to Madame Kelly. She did a great job teaching
Grade 8 FI this year but has decided to pursue other opportunities. Ms.
Ricketts will also be leaving us after spending this year teaching Grade 6. One
of our Behaviour Intervention Mentors, Ms. Belliveau, will also be leaving
Bayside. We wish all those leaving the best of luck in their future endeavors.



A Fond Farewell-
After 34 years as an educator (21 years at Bayside), I have decided to retire
as of June 30th. I can honestly say I never had a boring day as middle
school presents many unique situations to navigate. I would like to thank the
dedicated staff at Bayside for their constant professionalism and their
dedication to the thousands of students they encountered. We have taught many
students who have become leaders in their chosen fields and in the community. It
is my parting wish that this support continues with the arrival of the newly
appointed Principal, Ms. Angela Marr. She comes to Bayside with a wealth of
middle school experience, most recently as Principal of Beaconsfield Middle
School. She and Mrs. McClure will make a great team! (P. Laskey)



Important Dates


June 1st- Grade 6 English Classes to Irving
Nature Park


June 8th- District Track Meet at UNBSJ.
Rain date (June 9th)


June 9th- Grade 6 English classes to Fundy


June 15th (pm)- Athletic Awards


June 15th-Mrs. Shannon’s class to Aquatic


June 16th- Grade 8 Dance (6:30- 8:30 pm)


June 17th- Last Day for Cafeteria Services


June 17th- Grade 6 English classes to
King’s Landing


June 20th- Grade 6 Academic Awards (1:30


June 21st- Grade 7 FIs (Rossignol and
Wallace) to New River Beach


June 21st- Grade 6 English classes to Q


June 21st- Grade 8 Ultimate Field Trip to
Winning Class


June 22nd- Grade 8 FI- QPlex


June 22nd- Mrs. Shannon’s

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