Pages: School-Profile

Name: School-Profile.aspx
Title: School Profile
Scheduling Start Date:
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Contact: Philip.Sweezey
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Page Content: Principal's message:Welcome to Bayside Middle School. Our staff hopes your experience here will be meaningful and enjoyable. Our aim is to help you to learn skills, both inside the classroom and out, that will help you to grow as an individual both academically and socially. I encourage all students to take advantage of every opportunity to become involved in school life here at Bayside. I would also encourage parents to watch for opportunities to become involved with the school and our students. Parents are always welcome in our school. I wish all of you success in your school endeavours. This will be an exciting year and I urge each and every one of you to make it a year to remember. I sincerely welcome our new students and staff to Bayside.
P. LaskeyPrincipal
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Created at 9/30/2012 11:38 AM by Philip.Sweezey
Last modified at 1/13/2014 9:34 AM by andre.robichaud
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