Pages: Home-and-School

Name: Home-and-School.aspx
Title: Home and School
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Contact: i:0#.f|nbedldapmembershipprovider|mark.bates
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Page Content: The PES Home and School Association helps out with school needs, through volunteerism, in various ways, changing year to year depending on what warrants the support. Some of the 'regular' initiatives are:

The Writer in the School Program - Home and School sponsors and coordinates this program at a cost of $100. A published author (prose or poetry) will come to the school and meet with some classes, reading to them from their work and discussing their craft.
End of the year awards
Teacher Appreciation Week - Home and School volunteers organize some special events for the deserving teachers and support staff at PES
Winter Carnival support
End of the year 'Fun Day' for students
Collection of Hot Lunch money and orders
Collection of milk program money and orders
Special requests from teachers such as help to fund special events, field trips, paper supply etc. if funds have run out

In addition, Home and School tries to fund one 'major' initiative each year, after consulting teachers about what the greatest need is. Assistance with fundraising and volunteers for events are always needed and appreciated. A great way to help enhance your child's school experience.

In addition, about 45 parents belong to the PES Home and School Association email list. Information about events, fundraisers, and requests for volunteer help are communicated through this list.
Membership 2011-12
Emily English 658-8802
Marilyn Leblanc   
Helen-Louise Mitchell  
Rebecca Roberts  658-5356
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Created at 11/22/2011 12:54 PM by i:0#.f|nbedldapmembershipprovider|mark.bates
Last modified at 11/22/2011 1:12 PM by i:0#.f|nbedldapmembershipprovider|mark.bates
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