WEC Woodstock High > News > Posts > Registration at Woodstock High School
October 31
Registration at Woodstock High School


If you are an international student/family wanting to register at WHS, the following documentation is required:

  • Passport (student and parent(s)/guardian(s))
  • Permit (Work, Study, Visitor - for the studnet and parent(s)/guardian(s))
  • Custody Paperwork (if applicable)
  • Proof of Canadian Address (e.g.: phone bill, etc.)
  • Copy of Report Card(s)/Transcirpt(s) (for course placement purposes)
  • Immunization Documents or Exemption Form 


Please call the school at (506) 325-4437 to book an appointment for registration and/or have a tour of the school.

We look forward to welcoming your family into our school community.

If you have further questions about the immigration process, please refer to the Goverment of Canada, Immigration and Citizenship, website: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/study-canada/study-permit/prepare/minor-children.html


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