
RB Ch 7 - Gravitation Test

Indicate whether the statement is true or false.


Tycho Brahe was a Danish astronomer who confirmed Copernicus’s theories by making many observations with his telescope.


The point of distinction between a long-period comet and a short-period comet is 100 years.


Cavendish used the attraction between large and small lead balls to measure an experimental value for the gravitational constant, G.


The value found for the universal gravitational constant, G, will vary depending on the materials used for the balls of a Cavendish balance.


The mass of a black hole can be determined by the gravitational field that it generates.

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.


Johannes Kepler started his astronomy career as an assistant to _____.
Nicolaus Copernicus
Galileo Galilei
Tycho Brahe


Which of the following is in correct chronological order?
Galileo, Copernicus, Kepler, Brahe
Newton, Kepler, Copernicus, Brahe
Kepler, Brahe, Copernicus, Galileo
Copernicus, Brahe, Kepler, Newton


When considering the Law of Universal Gravitation, the graph of force v. distance is _____.
none of the above


A black hole is
an object so diffuse that light leaving it is bent totally back to center of the universe.
an object so diffuse that light approaching it is blocked from view.
an object so massive that light leaving it is bent totally back to the nearest star.
an object so massive that light leaving it is bent totally back to the object.


Which of the following is NOT a physical property that can be theoretically measured for a black hole?
angular momentum
electric charge

Short Answer


For any planet, if the planet were to shrink, but have a constant mass, what would happen to the value of g on the planet’s surface?


For any planet, if the planet were to expand, but have a constant mass, what would happen to the value of g on the planet’s surface?


If everything else is constant, when a satellite’s orbit moves farther away from a planet, what happens to the speed of the satellite?


If everything else is constant, when a satellite’s orbit moves farther away from a planet, what happens to the period of the satellite?



Venus orbits the Sun with an orbital radius of pr015-1.jpg m. Given that the mass of the Sun is 2.0 ´ 1030 kg, calculate the period of Venus’s orbit.


If Earth shrinks in size such that its shape and mass remain the same, but the radius decreases to 0.21 times its original value, find the acceleration due to gravity on its surface.


Themisto is one of Jupiter’s moons and has an orbital period of 129.8 days.  The radius of Themisto’s orbit is 7,391,650 km.  Carpo has an orbital period of 458.6 days. How far away from Jupiter’s center is Carpo?


Mimas, Saturn's closest moon, has an orbital period of 21.6 h.  The radius of Mimas’s orbit is 185,000 km.  Iapetus is also one of Saturn’s moons.  It is 3,560,000 km away from Saturn’s center.  What is Iapetus’s orbital period?


The orbital period for Saturn is 10,832.327 days.  The average distance between Saturn and the Sun is 1,400,000,000 km.  If G = 6.67 ´ 10-11 Npr019-1.jpgm2/kg2, estimate the mass of the Sun.


What is the gravitational force between two 200 mg aspirins that are 65 mm apart?


Assume that a satellite orbits Earth 230 km above its surface.  Given that the mass of Earth is 5.97 ´ 1024 kg, and the radius of Earth is 6.38 ´ 106 m, what is the satellite’s speed?


Assume that a satellite orbits Mars 150 km above its surface.  Given that the mass of Mars is 6.4185 ´ 1023 kg, and the radius of Mars is 3.396 ´ 106 m, what is the satellite’s speed?


Assume that a satellite orbits Mars 150 km above its surface.  Given that the mass of Mars is 6.4185 ´ 1023 kg, and the radius of Mars is 3.396 ´ 106 m, what is the satellite’s period?


What is the gravitational field of a baseball at the baseball’s surface that has a mass of 142 g and is 7.48 cm across?

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