FEC McAdam Avenue School > School News
June 16
Weekly Memo June 19-23

Good afternoon, MAS families! It has been an exciting week with face paint day, 1/2 Boone art showcase, bowling for our grade 5s, our MAS Reunion, superhero day, Worlds UNBound and our trip to Science East! Phew! We have been busy.

Week at a Glance:

-Monday, June 19 - Glowstick Day (provided by the school)

-Tuesday, June 20 - World Refugee Day

Bubble Day (provided by the school)

-Wednesday, June 21 - National Indigenous People's Day

Open House/BBQ at Nashwaaksis Memorial from 5:30-7pm. Remember this is a free event, but donations are welcome at the door! There will be bouncy castles, games, hotdogs and more! We are still looking to fill many spots at stations! Please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084DA5AF2AABFCC43-year.

-Thursday, June 22 - Star Student at 11am

-Friday, June 23 - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL

Pizza and ice cream sundaes provided free of charge to all students

Field games in the afternoon!

Have an amazing weekend!

Mrs. Christie Jordan


McAdam Avenue School

June 09
Week at a Glance - June 12-16

Good afternoon! Somehow we are only 2 weeks away from the last day of school. This was a busy week with Green Hill Lake, our grade 5 celebration and K-2 field day! June has been a ton of fun, and the fun will continue for these last 10 days! 

Week at a Glance:

Monday, June 12 - Fire drill 

Grade 1/2 Boone Art Showcase (for students)

Face Paint Day

Tuesday, June 13 - Grade 5 bowling with NMS students (bus leaves at 10:15 and returns at 11:45; bowling is from 10:30-11:30)

Wednesday, June 14 - MAS Reunion/Open House for current and former students, staff and families 1-5pm

Thursday, June 15 - Whole school breakfast (muffins, etc.)

Superhero Day! Come dressed as your favourite superhero

World UNBound activities (at the school)

Friday, June 16 - All students go to Science East. K-2 bus will leave at 8:45 and return to the school at 10:30. 3-5 bus will leave at 10:15 and return at 12:00.

Important to note:

-Here is the sign up link if you are able to help out at the BBQ/Open House at Nashwaaksis Memorial from 5:30-7:00pm- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c084da5af2aabfcc43-year/146203188#/

-Just a reminder that there was no new hot lunch link sent for pizza this week as it is a make-up day for a snow day back in the winter.

Have a great weekend and let's hope for some nicer weather next week!

Christie Jordan


McAdam Avenue School

June 04
PSSC Minutes 30-May-2023
June 02
Week at a Glance June 5-9

Happy Friday! I hope you've had a wonderful week. On Monday, our grade 4/5 class hosted their friends from York Care for an intergenerational BBQ. Many thanks to Ms. McCabe and Anita Newling for organizing this! We also participated in whole-school math fact BINGO. On Tuesday, our friends from Nashwaaksis Memorial joined us for Music Madness! Their K-2 classes came from 9-10am and their 3-5 classes from 10:30-11:30. There were music activities inside and the students also played together outside on the site of their future new school! Yesterday, many students in grades 3-5 headed to Nashwaaksis Middle School for District Track and Field. Our little school received 3 ribbons! E in grade 5 got 1st in discus and 2rd in the 80m run. K in grade 5 got 3rd in the ball throw! On top of that, our students were amazing teammates and very patient with the waiting, heat and unexpected lockdown! Families of students who were at track and field were notified as soon as we went into lockdown and then when the lockdown was lifted. Our amazing School Counselor, Mrs. LeBlanc, debriefed with us about what happened and then met with a small group who still wanted to talk. Our students followed instructions beautifully and their staff members as well as first responders worked diligently and quickly to keep us all safe. 

Week at a Glance:

Monday, June 5 - World Environment Day

Tuesday, June 6 - POKEMON DAY!

Grade 3-5 students to Green Hill Lake Camp (our fundraising efforts allowed us to cover the fees for ALL students so THANK YOU!)

Wednesday, June 7 - Grade 5 celebration at 10:45 am!

Open/House and BBQ at Nashwaaksis Memorial from 5:30-7. If you can volunteer for a station, please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084DA5AF2AABFCC43-year. As well, please note that EECD/District will have a booth set up inside the school so you can look at the renderings for the new school!

Thursday, June 8 - K-2 Field Day (outdoor games) at NMS. The bus will leave at 8:45am and will return at approximately 12:30pm. Students will bring their backpacks with snacks and their lunch. The rain date for this is June 13.

Friday, June 9 - STUFFIE AND PJ DAY!

Important to note:

-Thank you to Ms. Boone's class for coming up with theme days for us for June. Our students expressed that they wanted more theme days at our Student Voice meeting, so Ms. Boone's class delivered!

I hope you have a fantastic weekend!

Mrs. Christie Jordan


McAdam Avenue School

May 26
Week at a Glance - May 29-June 2

Good afternoon and Happy Friday! I hope everyone has had a wonderful week. I was writing "June 2" in the subject of this email and thinking to myself, "HOW did that happen?" It is so hard to believe we are into June next week! We had our May Student Voice meeting on Tuesday; please see the students' ideas below! On Wednesday, we hosted our Welcome to Kindergarten event at NMS and got to meet our students who will be starting school next year. It was a wonderful afternoon and we can't wait to welcome our new students in the fall! Also on Wednesday, we held a Cultural Learning Day at MAS! Each class chose a country to learn about and then set up stations, activities, posters and videos to teach the other classes about their country. We hope your child told you some of the things they learned! Please see a few photos below. Yesterday, we held our May Star Student assembly and Mrs. LeBlanc discussed how families are all different and special. Thank you to those of you who sent in pictures of your family - the kids were delighted to see themselves and their friends up on the screen! Students in grades 3-5 did a virtual 'field trip' to Ducks Unlimited due to the weather on Thursday. 

student voice may.jpg 

cultural learning pic 1.jpg 

cultural learning pic 2.jpg 

cultural learning pic 3.jpg 

cultural learning pic 4.jpg 

Week at a Glance:

-The June calendar was sent home earlier this week, but here is an electronic copy: June calendar families.docx 

-Monday, May 29 - Intergenerational Program BBQ at MAS at 12:15 for students in grades 4/5 and community members from York Care Centre

-Whole school math BINGO

-PSSC/Home and School at 6pm at MAS

-Tuesday, May 30 - Music Madness with students from Nashwaaksis Memorial! NMS students will be coming to MAS, along with Mr. Jarvis (music), for a fun musical collaboration with our students and Ms. Simmonds! It is a wonderful opportunity for their students to see the site of their future school!

-Wednesday, May 31 - Red shirt day for Disability Awareness

-Thursday, June 1 - District Track & Field for select students in grades 3-5 at Nashwaaksis Middle School. 

-Clean Air Day

-Intergenerational Day

-UNB will be doing a presentation with students in Ms. McCabe's class

Important to note:

-I wanted to let you know that District and EECD reached out this week, and there will be representatives at the Family BBQ at NMS on June 7 to display renderings and answer questions about the new school.

-We are still looking for volunteers for our Family BBQ & Fun night at NMS on June 7 from 5:30-7! Here is the link to sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084DA5AF2AABFCC43-year. As well, we are looking for donations for this event! If you would like to donate juice boxes or freezies, please drop them off to our school by May 31. 

-I have reached out to District transportation about busing for next year to Nashwaaksis Memorial. The transportation manager stated that all students that live in the MAS boundary will be bused to NMS next year. The school bus information won’t be visible online until mid-August but they are planning to use the same stops that the French immersion students who currently attend NMS are using.

-Here is the poster for the MAS Open House/Reunion on June 14. Please feel free to share! reunion poster.jpg 

It looks like it is going to be a beautiful weekend and I hope you all enjoy every second of it!

Mrs. Christie Jordan


McAdam Avenue School​

May 23
Week at a Glance - May 22-26

Good evening, everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic week. As mentioned last week, I was at the Canadian Association of Principals (CAP) conference in PEI and just returned to NB this afternoon. The highlight of my week was hearing Jody Carrington speak who is the author of 2 of my favourite professional books! I definitely left feeling inspired! The grade 5 students had a successful tour of Nashwaaksis Middle School on Wednesday and I hope some families were able to make it to the evening information session. Students in grades 3-5 had their last swimming session on Thursday, and Kiwanis and Home and School served a pancake breakfast that morning. Today, our students in grades 3-5 attended the Track and Field meet at NMS and I received lots of awesome pictures and saw many huge smiles. My husband was helping out and said a great time was had by all! I will let students know next week who will be attending Districts at the middle school on June 1.

Week at a Glance:

Monday, May 22 - Victoria Day; No School

Tuesday, May 23 - Fire drill in the morning

-Hot lunch is due

-Student Voice meeting at first recess

Wednesday, May 24 - Welcome to Kindergarten 1:30-2:30 at Nashwaaksis Memorial for students and guardians registered for the fall

-Wonderful Wednesday $2 popsicle day

-Cultural learning day

Thursday, May 25 - Grades 3-5 to Ducks Unlimited

-Star Student Assembly

Friday, May 26 - Friendship Friday lesson with Mrs. Jordan (Mental Health theme)

Important to note:

-The PSSC/Home and School meeting has changed and will take place on Monday, May 29 at 6pm

-MAS and NMS are having a combined Family Fun Night/BBQ at NMS (Nashwaaksis Memorial) on June 7 from 5:30-7. This is a FREE event (there will be a free will donation offering at the door) with games, activities, an open house of NMS and food! We are looking for donations and volunteers! If you can donate juice boxes (any kind) and/or freezies (small or large), please send them into the school by May 31. To volunteer for a time slot for a station, please sign up at this link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084DA5AF2AABFCC43-year. Thank you in advance for your support with this!

-While we encourage students to bring sunscreen as we hope to spend lots of time outdoors, please note that school staff are not permitted to apply the sunscreen to children.

-The June calendar will go home this week.

I hope everyone has a wonderful long weekend and I look forward to returning on Tuesday!

Mrs. Christie Jordan


McAdam Avenue School

May 12
Week at a Glance May 15-19

Hello, MAS families. What a beautiful end to the week! Our spring concert and picnic were amazing today and we thank all who were able to attend.

spring concert.jpg 

Week at a Glance:

Monday, May 15 – NO SCHOOL for students; NBTA Branch meeting

Tuesday, May 16 – Family SIP/diversity surveys are due

-June hot lunch orders available online. Please note 2 make up days to be honoured for June 9 (February 10 closure) and June 16 (February 17 closure). Also there will be no hot lunch on the last day of school, June 23.

Wednesday, May 17 – Grade 5 tour of Nashwaaksis Middle School 9-10am

-Grade 5 family orientation session at Nashwaaksis Middle School 6-7pm

-Wonderful Wednesdays $3 treat and special activity

Thursday, May 18 – Grades 3-5 swimming 9-10:30am

-Whole school breakfast (pancakes and fruit)

Friday, May 19 – Grades 3-5 to Nashwaaksis Memorial for Track & Field. The bus will leave here at 8:45am and will pick the students back up at around 12:30pm.

-Pizza for ALL students today!

Monday, May 22 - Victoria Day NO SCHOOL

Important to note:

-I will be in PEI all week this week (Tuesday on). As always, your child’s teacher is your first point of contact. Elizabeth McCabe will be in the office for me this week. Her email is Elizabeth.McCabe@nbed.nb.ca.

-The June calendar will be sent out next week.

-Don’t forget about our MAS Family Library sign-out! If you’d like to borrow a book to read with your family, visit https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C094BAEAF28A3F5CF8-masfamily

-We are still looking for volunteers for the Track and Field event at Nashwaaksis Memorial this Friday. If you are able to help out, please sign up at the following link and Mrs. O’Keefe (phys. ed. specialist at NMS) will send out further details: https://forms.office.com/r/ZnftaQHdGR

Have a great weekend and we will see the students on Tuesday!

Mrs. Christie Jordan


McAdam Avenue School

May 05
Week at a Glance - May 8-12

Good afternoon, MAS families! I hope you had an awesome week. I was checking out the weather for next week and it looks like sun, so let’s keep our fingers crossed! A reminder that there is no school tomorrow as it is our NBTA Council Day. As mentioned in last week’s memo, I am attaching some pictures from our Student Appreciation Day Luau. Check out the fun we had below!

luau 1.JPG 

luau 2.JPG 

luau 3.JPG 

luau 4.JPG 

luau 5.JPG 

luau 6.JPG

Week at a Glance:

It is Teacher Appreciation Week!

Monday, May 8 – Grade 4/5 to York Care

Tuesday, May 9 – Family School Improvement Plan survey to go home

Wednesday, May 10 – Wonderful Wednesday Pajama Day ($2)

Thursday, May 11 – Swimming for grades 3-5

Friday, May 12 – Spring Concert and picnic at 11am. Please bring a lunch for your family and keep in mind your child will receive their pizza if you signed up for hot lunch.

Important to note:

-When visiting the school for any reason, please always enter through the front door and sign in at the office. This is a District policy. Thank you for this.

-A reminder for families of grade 5 students that the Nashwaaksis Middle School Family orientation session is at that school on May 17 from 6-7pm.

-Don’t forget about our McAdam Avenue Family Library sign out! Here’s the link:


-If your child is entering grade 1 or grade 6 next year and you want to sign them up for French immersion, please visit the ASD-W website and click on “French Immersion Registration”.

-We are still looking for volunteers for our NMS/MAS Track & Field event! Please click on the link for more information and to sign up:


Have a great weekend!

Christie Jordan


McAdam Avenue School

April 28
Week at a Glance - May 1-5, 2023

Good afternoon, everyone! I hope you are all enjoying this beautiful Friday. As always, we've had a wonderful week here at MAS. On Monday, we visited Nashwaaksis Memorial for ballet presentations and had our whole school BINGO to practice our math facts. Tuesday, our students and staff hosted a breakfast for our volunteers. Huge shout-out to our grade 5 students for serving and cleaning up and to our classes who sang for our volunteers. Wednesday was "Wonderful" as we got to wear our hats and we celebrated our amazing Admin Assistant, Mrs. Yerxa. Thursday was a busy day with our Star Student Assembly, Student Voice meeting and swimming for grades 3-5. Today, we are very excited to celebrate STUDENT APPRECIATION day with a special beach day and luau this afternoon. The gym looks INCREDIBLE and I look forward to sharing some pictures in a future email.

Week at a Glance:

-It is Mental Health Week/Month.

-Monday, May 1 - Mental Health Challenge going home; last day for the 4/5 class to go to York Care

-Wednesday, May 3 - "Wonderful Wednesday" gum day ($2 or covered if your child brought in the $10 for all events)

-Thursday, May 4 - Swimming for students in grades 3-5

-Friday, May 5 - No school for students as it is NBTA Council Day for teachers

Important to note:

-If you plan on registering your child for grade 1 or grade 6 French Immersion for next year, please visit https://asdw.nbed.ca/ and click on "French Immersion Registration"

-Please ensure your child is not bringing toys to school. 

-Looking ahead, our Spring Concert is Friday, May 12 at 11 and will be followed by a picnic. We will provide some snacks, but please bring a picnic lunch for your family.

-The grade 5 celebration/graduation is Wednesday, June 7 at 10:45am. 

-The Science East Field trip date has changed to Friday, June 16.

-We are looking for volunteers to help with the grades 3-5 Track and Field event at Nashwaaksis Memorial on Friday, May 19 (rain date Friday, May 26). Please sign up using this Forms link if you can help out! We would greatly appreciate your support. The Forms link says the event is until later in the afternoon, but our school will be finished by 12:30. https://forms.office.com/r/ZnftaQHdGR

Have an incredible weekend!

Mrs. Christie Jordan


McAdam Avenue School

April 24
PSSC Minutes 12-Apr-2023
1 - 10Next