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School Fees

FES Virtual Christmas Concert

Character Strong November - RESPECT

Character Strong June- Creativity

Character Strong May- Cooperation

Character Strong- Honesty

Character Strong- Gratitude

Character Strong- Respect

Purposeful People

October Newsletter 2020

Mask FAQ

Symptomatic Students FAQ

GNB Bus Video 2020

School Calendar

Report Card Pick Up Times

FES Maker Challenge

Guidance Tip of the Week: Being Mindful

Guidance Tip of the Week: Online Safety

Guidance Tip of the Week: Talking with Your Kids About COVID-19

Plan for Retrieval of Personal Items

Guidance Tip of the Week: Handling the Stress

Rainbow Challenege from FES STEAM Committee

Earth Week with FES Gaia Club

Guidance Tip of the Week

Request to connect form

FES Activity Week

Sustainability Study #2

FES Receives Carleton North Community Foundation Grant
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