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1 - reading with baby_0-6_6-12 months.pdf

2 - reading with young toddler_12-18_18-24 months.pdf

3 - reading with toddler_2-3 years.pdf

4 - reading with preschooler_3-4 years.pdf

5 - reading with preschooler_4-5 years_final.pdf

7 Tips for helping a child who stutters.pdf

Activities for baby.pdf

Autism Canada - is this your child.pdf

Autism Spectrum Disorder - helpful links.pdf

Baby laughter.pdf

Bilingualism - Frequently Asked Questions.pdf

bugs handout_new.pdf

Car games.pdf

christmas handout_ new.pdf

Communication Milestones (0-5 years).pdf

cover photo website (woodstock) NEW.jpg

cover photo website (woodstock).jpg

cover photo website NEW.jpg

cover photo website.jpg

Development of Speech Sounds.pdf

dinos handout_new.pdf

easter handout_NEW.pdf

Encouraging communication.pdf

Encouraging Language Activity_1-2 years.pdf

Encouraging Language Activity_2-3 years.pdf

Encouraging Language Activity_3-5 years.pdf

Encouraging More Words and Longer Sentenses.pdf

Encouraging Words.pdf

fall handout_new.pdf

farm handout_NEW.pdf

Free Program Brochure Fredericton_ Jan2020_.pdf

Fun with non-fiction.pdf

great outdoors theme handout_NEW.pdf

halloween handout_new.pdf

Hanen - 10 People Games for kids with autism.pdf

Helping Children Move Beyond Simple Sentences (3-5 years).pdf

How to help my child's pronunciation.pdf

Interacting with young children.pdf

Is my child stuttering and how to help.pdf

Literacy newsletter_building early literacy skills (3-5 year olds).pdf

Literacy newsletter_building early literacy skills.pdf

Massage_baby and child.pdf

mud handout_new.pdf

Music and my child.pdf

Music and your baby.pdf

my childs hearing (ear infections, noisy toys and more).pdf

Natural Actions and Gestures (16 by 16)_Feb 2016.pdf

pajama time handout 2.pdf

Parent-child program brochure.pdf

Playing and Language.pdf

Questions and comments_do and dont.pdf

Screen time and your child.pdf

signing with babies.pdf

signs of Autism.pdf

Sippy cups.pdf

spring handout_new.pdf

stuttering and the bilingual child.pdf

Stuttering links.pdf

Suggestions For Reducing Your Childs Use Of A Pacifier_Rev Mar 2014.pdf

summer theme handout_NEW.pdf

Tips for singing with baby.pdf

Toddler Activities.pdf

TV and your child - guidelines from American Academy of Pediatrics.pdf

TWM brochure (concerns)_2020.pdf

valentines handout_new.pdf

What if my child isn't interested in books and reading.pdf

winter handout_new.pdf
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