WEC Carleton North High > Guidance > Posts > Grades 11 and 12 Parent Information Meeting


September 28
Grades 11 and 12 Parent Information Meeting

​On Wednesday, October 5th, there will be a parent information session at the CNHS theatre for parents of students in grades 11 and 12.

We would like to invite parents of grade 11 students to the first part of the meeting where we will discuss taking on the planning and set up of prom and graduation.  The intent is that grade 11s each year will help organize the current years graduating class.
Also, at the information meeting, we will review what we are doing to help prepare your child for planning after high school, and what you can do to help your child with this.  A review of important grade 12 information and the school website will also take place.
 We hope to see you there!


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