FEC McAdam Avenue School > School News > Posts > Week at a Glance Nov.23-27
November 20
Week at a Glance Nov.23-27

Hello MAS Families. It has been another great week at MAS! I have to say that our summer and fall weather are gone and it is time for winter clothing. Please be sure to dress your child for the weather and temperature. Winter coats, lined splash pants or snow pants, hats and mitts. It’s a good habit to get into early by packing extra mittens and socks in your child’s bag daily.  Also reminder for ‘Weather Closures’ we are located in Zone 6.


Breakfast in Bed- Books! Bagels! PJs! On Wednesday, November 25th students are invited to wear clean Pajamas to school for the day. We will also be serving bagels for breakfast (plain, plain cream cheese, or strawberry cream cheese) and yogurt drink. Students will start their day with a bagel and read aloud on TEAMS with Mrs. Burnett as they sit back enjoy in the comfort of pajamas.  

Christmas Angel Tree- We will once again be doing our Christmas Angel tree to help support our school families. We are reaching out to families to see if any are in need of some extra support this Christmas. If you would like some help this Christmas (groceries, gifts, clothing, etc) PLEASE get in touch with Roxy- Roxanne.yerxa@nbed.nb.ca or Mrs Burnett- Cynthia.burnett@nbed.nb.ca or call us at 453-5422. Please let us know by Friday, November 27th. (Please note that names are kept completely confidential)

Christmas Shopping Spree- Forms are coming home Monday. Please fill out and return.

Sarah’s Soap Fundraiser- Fundraising forms are still available for those keen fundraisers. Please let us know if you will need another order form. Orders are due this Wednesday, November 25th  with payment.  There has been some great response to our frozen yogurt party for top fundraising class! Go TEAMS!

Parent Teacher Interviews- Just to let you know in advance, our Parent-teacher interviews this term will be online through teams or done via telephone. Interview times will be made available Dec. 2, Dec.3 and Dec. 4th .

Christmas Concert- This year our concert will be virtual. Our concert will become live on Wednesday December 16 via link at 6pm. So plan a family night! Grab some Popcorn and hot chocolate and sit back and enjoy!

Face Masks- Just a reminder to please be sending two clean face masks with your child daily and also using proper fitted face mask recommendations from public health.

Home and School and PSSC Meeting- We will meet Wednesday, November 25th at 6pm. Everyone is welcome to attend. We will meet in gymnasium. Please wear face mask and sanitize when entering.

This week:

Monday, Nov. 23- Shopping Spree forms go home. Hot lunch orders due.

Tuesday, Nov. 24- Hot Lunch- Great Canadian Bagel.

Wednesday, Nov. 25- Breakfast in Bed- wear your PJs. Soap orders are due. Picture retake order forms due back. H&S and PSSC meeting 6pm.

Thursday , Nov. 26-

Friday, Nov. 27- Hot lunch- Papa John’s Pizza

Upcoming Days:

December 1- Report Cards go home.

December 2nd , 3rd , and 4th- Parent Teacher Interviews

December 4- No school for students.

December 16- Christmas Concert Online @ 6pm.

December 18- Last day before Christmas

If you ever have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask. Have a great weekend!

Cynthia Burnett

BA, BEd, Med


McAdam Avenue School

Anglophone School District West

If a child can’t learn the way you teach, then teach in a way so that the child can learn.  ~Unknown.​


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