FEC Leo Hayes High School > School News > Posts > School Issues

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February 12
School Issues

Good evening parents and guardians of LHHS,

We wanted to bring to your attention a couple of safety concerns that we have been addressing at the school.

1. Personal and school items (bookbags, jackets, lunch bags, binders, textbooks) being left unattended in the cafeteria. We have had numerous items stolen from these areas and have instructed students to store these items in their locker

2. The student parking lot has become an area of concern. We have instructed students that they are not permitted to be loitering inside their cars. There are several safety issues related to this and we ask for your support in this. Please speak to your student driver. If they do not have a parking pass issued from the office, please instruct them to come get one.  City police are patrolling the school property and providing their assistance in this.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the administration at your earliest convenience.





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