FEC Royal Road Elementary School > School News > Posts > Atlantic Canda Career Week - November 2-5, 2022
October 24
Atlantic Canda Career Week - November 2-5, 2022

The week of November 2-5th is Atlantic Canada Career Week.  Next week, classes at Royal Road School will be participating in career related activities from Tuesday through Friday.  Some of the activities will include videos on a variety of careers, a description from what the job is like, and the environments where they take place.   

We would appreciate you becoming a part of career week.  In the documents section of the wesite you can find a career form to fill out by November 1, 2022.  Students will get to know what you chose to do for a career and some fun facts.  Thanks for being a part of our Career Week. 

Thank You, 

Vanessa Morgan 

School Counsellor 

Royal Road Elementary School 


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