FEC Nashwaaksis Middle School > Teachers > Posts > 6DEFGI Math -- Test Next Week
February 15
6DEFGI Math -- Test Next Week

Students will be writing their first test for me next Thursday (Feb 22) on Mixed Numbers (Les nombres fractionnaires), Improper Fractions (les fractions impropres) and working with mixed numbers & fractions on a number line (les droites numériques).

Practice questions have been assigned (page 194 from the textbook, #1, 2, 3, 4, 7 & 8).  Students will have time in class to work on these questions and we will review them together prior to the test/early next week. 

I am available every day other than Thursday (my duty day) for extra help over the noon hour.  No advance notice is necessary; students just need to walk through my door/show up.
:)  NC


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