FEC Nashwaaksis Memorial School > Teachers > Posts > Class Note Nov. 9
November 09
Class Note Nov. 9

Just a reminder that is no school on Friday due to Remembrance Day.

multiplication strategies sheet will be going home tomorrow on  blue paper. Look for this in your child's communication bag!

The students took home their estimation math test today, most  have completed their corrections. Please sign the test and have them complete any corrections that are not done. This is to be back to school for Monday.

Hot lunch orders went home yesterday and are due by Tuesday.

We received 3 orders for the grade 5 hoodies for this class, please check in your child's communication bag to make sure that the form was handed in if you had ordered one.

Parent/Teacher sign up sheet will go home on Tuesday. The times will be given out on a first come basis.

Thank you :)


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