FEC Leo Hayes High School > Teachers
April 19
Spring 2021

​All updates for students from this point on will be on Microsoft Teams. If you would like to contact me, please email me at debbie.grillo@nbed.nb.ca

October 15
Photo ordering/Re-takes

The student photo proofs have arrived and students will pick them up in homeroom Thursday and Friday of this week (Oct. 15-16).


School Photo Ordering Online: Due to COVID-19 and in an attempt to reduce contacts we are strongly encouraging online ordering of photo packages. To order online please complete the following steps:

  • Go to HarveyStudios.ca
  • Select the School Photography tab on the grey bar
  • Select the Order Your School Photos tab on the white drop down
  • Select the Without web password red tab
  • Search for your School type Leo Hayes High School
  • Select Leo Hayes High School Fall Photos
  • Select the package you would like by clicking the appropriate Add to Cart green tab to order and follow the prompts.


School Photo Ordering at School: If you would like to order a photo package but are not able to order online, your student can put all order information contained in the proofs package in the locked School Photos Drop Box at the main office. This must be completed between Oct. 16-22 between 9:00-4:00. All orders place through the School Photo Drop Box will be delivered to Harvey Studios on Oct. 23.


Re-Takes Scheduling:

  • Re-take days will be October 26 (M-Z) and October 27 ((A-L).
  • After receiving the student proofs (Oct. 15-16 in homeroom), parents can request re-takes by calling Harvey Studios at 459-3630 and the student’s name will be added to the re-takes list.
  • Harvey Studios will bring the list of students who have requested re-takes on Oct. 26 and 27 and take photos for any students (schedule to follow) that missed their initial photo day.​
September 16

​Welcome back to a new school year!

Please let me know if you aren't receiving my class emails (for parents/guardians). 

All student virtual communication is done via the Teams Application. 

Rose LeBlanc 


September 14
10B Weekly Text

This week in class, we’re reading "Why it's time to lay the stereotype of the 'teen brain’ to rest" by Dan Romer.

In the information text “Why it’s time to lay the stereotype of the ‘teen brain’ to rest,” Dan Romer discusses how experts have relied on stereotypes about teenagers to explain their behavior.

As we read, we will be discussing the theme of Education & Knowledge as it relates to the text. We are trying to answer this big question :

"How do we understand the world around us?"

Ways to support your child:

September 14
9A Weekly Text

This week in class, we’re reading "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell.

In “The Most Dangerous Game,” a big game hunter falls off his yacht and is rescued by a mysterious general who claims to hunt only the most dangerous game.

As we read, we will be discussing the themes of Fear & ParanoiaMorality, and War & Peace as they relate to the text. We are trying to answer these big questions :

"How does fear drive action?", "How are we changed by war?", and "Why do people do bad things?"

Ways to support your child:

September 14
Links for accessing MS Teams

Microsoft 365 Login


This is a Microsoft 365 login guide for students using the web-based M365 portal.




Teams Quick Start Guide


This is a quick start guide for students to Teams. Simple, concise and includes all the basic functions.



April 27
Third Newsletter Posted Today

​Hello all! I posted the third newsletter to Teams today, and emailed it to the parent/student distribution list that I have as well. If you are NOT on Teams and seeing the assignments and you are also NOT receiving the emails, it's important that you contact me. Andrea.Donovan@nbed.nb.ca.
Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks!

April 17
Indigenous Studies update

We will connect on a weekly basis, period 1 on Monday, period 2 on Tuesday, period 3 on Wednesday, period 4 on Thursday, period 5 on Friday. Please find your class on Teams and join in.​

I will post video links, assignments and other learning opportunities for you on Teams and you may also contact me via email

April 17
Aboriginal Studies Update

People all over the world are using music, art and theatre to get through this pandemic and all that goes with it. The Fine arts offer opportunities for creative engagement which can be good for reducing stress, promoting mental wellness, connecting with others and engaging in learning about areas of interest. Your Fine Arts teachers want to encourage your mental wellness and skill development by offering learning opportunities in the arts. You, our students, are our priority. We do not wish to overwhelm you at this time. Please balance Fine Arts learning with your other courses.  We will connect on a weekly basis, period 1 on Monday, period 2 on Tuesday, period 3 on Wednesday, period 4 on Thursday, period 5 on Friday. Please find your class on Teams and join in.​

I will post videos for you to watch and then you can go out an create something beautiful to destress in this trying time.

April 14
Making the move to Teams

​Hello everyone!

Hope you all had a fantastic weekend. We're making the move from Freshgrade to Microsoft Teams- here's a link to a video that shows you how to use your student email to sign in to office.com, check your email, and where to find all the most important pages on Teams:

If you have any trouble signing in, accessing your student account, or any other tech problems, send me an email to kristi.williston@nbed.nb.ca with a different email address and we'll get you sorted out. The first week's newsletter is up on Teams as of yesterday. I also posted it on Freshgrade for any students who are having trouble getting started on Teams. This will only be temporary; we will not be using Freshgrade after April 20th.

Give my welcome post a thumbs up to let me know you made it to Teams! :) 

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 Internal Teacher Pages


 External Teacher Pages

 Jewett, B.
 Art and senior project