Public Health Healthy Learners

The New Brunswick Healthy Learners in School Program (HLSP)​, co-ordinates health promotion and disease/injury prevention activities occurring at various levels (classroom, schools, school districts, home and communities). Program initiatives and actions are tailored to the local school community context depending on identified needs, priorities and resources.

As of July 18, 2022, the Healthy Learners program information has moved to the new district website


 Healthy Learner News


 Healthy Learners in School Program (HL)


Healthy Learners in School Program (HL)

Public Health Nurses working in the HL program are guided by the principles of Comprehensive School Health. This is an approach to school-based health promotion that integrates formal and informal instruction about health, with health and social services available in the community, with social support from parents, the local media, local policy makers and the community and healthy physical environments in the school, families and the neighbourhood.

This program aims to provide interventions which will support students before they are in crisis, and which will help students to acquire basic health knowledge that will support healthy decision making. Ultimately, this will help reduce the costs for curative services by focusing on physical and emotional health promotion and disease prevention. As well, this will enhance the ability of students to be successful in their learning and other activities.

These nurses work in a program that is a shared responsibility of the communities, the schools, the Department of Education and the Department of Health. They work with students, parents, faculty, school administration, community members and Health Advisory Committees.

The program goals are:

  1. To promote, enable and encourage students to make healthy lifestyle choices through implementation of programs and services, which create a healthy learning environment.
  2. To promote and mobilize accessible health services at school that support individual behaviour change to meet primary health care needs of students.
  3. To establish partnerships within the community that support health at the primary health care level, with a commitment to a collaborative approach and shared responsibility.
  4. To complement and support the ability of the school community to respond effectively to children and families in need and support healthy child development on a continuum of health services.


Comprehensive School Health defined:

What is a "Comprehensive School Health Approach"?

This multi-faceted approach to student health and achievement in an integrated and holistic way dates to the Ottawa Charter (1986) when action in health promotion was set out in 5 pillars:

  • Reorienting health services
  • Building healthy public policy
  • Developing personal skills
  • Strengthening community action
  • Creating supportive environments

From these pillars, the JCSH developed the Comprehensive School Health Framework. Its four pillars reflects the role of education in health promotion within the school community setting:

  • Teaching and Learning
  • Healthy School Policy
  • Physical and Social Environments
  • Partnerships and Services

The Joint Consortium champions a comprehensive school health approach, recognizing that programs and initiatives may be examples of applying the approach in practice. When a CSH approach is applied to an issue – positive mental health, physical activity, healthy eating, for example – then actions in all four pillars are integrated to provide skills, supports, and improvements in student achievement and in the school community.

Comprehensive School Health activities within a school, a school district, or a province or territory may vary, sometimes focusing on a specific group of students or a set of specific health issues. But the overall direction reflects a comprehensive long-term plan with procedures in place to ensure sustainability.

Mental Fitness

  •  Roots of Empathy

Roots of Empathy's mission is to build caring, peaceful, and civil societies through the development of empathy in children and adults.

The focus of Roots of Empathy in the long term is to build capacity of the next generation for responsible citizenship and responsive parenting. In the short term, Roots of Empathy focuses on raising levels of empathy, resulting in more respectful and caring relationships and reduced levels of bullying and aggression. Part of our success is the universal nature of the program; all students are positively engaged instead of targeting bullies or aggressive children.

Roots of Empathy strives to break the intergenerational cycle of violence and poor parenting.

For further information visit:

  •  Developmental Assets 

Developmental Assets®

In 1990, Search Institute released a framework of 40 Developmental Assets, which identifies a set of skills, experiences, relationships, and behaviors that enable young people to develop into successful and contributing adults. Over the following two decades, the Developmental Assets framework and approach to youth development became the most frequently cited and widely utilized in the world, creating what Stanford University’s William Damon described as a “sea change” in adolescent development.

Data collected from Search Institute surveys of more than 4 million children and youth from all backgrounds and situations has consistently demonstrated that the more Developmental Assets young people acquire, the better their chances of succeeding in school and becoming happy, healthy, and contributing members of their communities and society

 For further information visit:

  •  Sustainable Happiness

"Happiness that contributes to individual, community and/or global wellbeing
and does not exploit other people, the environment, or future generations."

Catherine O'Brien

Sustainable happiness offers a fresh approach to happiness that invites reflection on sustainability issues coupled with opportunities to enhance our quality of life and contribute to individual, community, and global wellbeing. It may also be used to motivate behaviour change through compassion for others and the environment that sustains us. The concept of sustainable happiness was developed by O’Brien (2005) in order to draw attention to the consequences, both positive and adverse, of how individuals, communities, and nations pursue happiness

For further information visit:

  • Virtues

For further information visit:

  • The Link Program

  •   Canadian Mental Health Association










Health Note - March 2020 Nutrition Month.pdf
Nutrition Month 2020 HLS Newsletter.pdf
Nutrition Month Article 2020 - English.pdf
1 - 3Next

 Latest HL Documents



September Sneak Peek 2014.pdf

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 Healthy Eating Weblinks


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