FEC Harvey Elementary School > School News > Posts > NOTE REGARDING UNPLANNED EARLY DISMISSALS
November 19

Sometimes, beyond our control, there are reasons that students may be need to be sent home early from school. (ex. Weather, power outages) As you can well imagine, this is a very chaotic and busy time for everyone at the school. To ensure that your child arrives home safely, with someone there to meet them, it is necessary to make a call for each of our 195 students.

The moment the school is aware of an unplanned closure, we will send out a voicemail/email/text from the school informing our families. As well, each homeroom teacher makes calls until every family is contacted.

To make this process as efficient as possible and for the safety of our students, we request that you only call the school if you have been left a message requesting that you call the school with instructions of where your child is to go. Otherwise, lines get tied up and the process becomes slowed down. Often, we only get notice at the last minute, so time is imperative.

Thank-you for your understanding and cooperation in making an unplanned early dismissal process a safe and efficient one.


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