FEC Fredericton High School > Teachers > Posts > PDCP - Week #4 (April 27 - May 1) Learning Opportunities from Ms. LaBerge
April 27
PDCP - Week #4 (April 27 - May 1) Learning Opportunities from Ms. LaBerge

​I will be posting  our Week #4 PDCP Learning Opportunities  for our Pr. 1,2,3, andTEAM pages on the morning of our "period", however, since not all students are able to access TEAMS, I am also posting here.  There are 4 tasks for this week (A, B, C, and D).  Please read the document titled "Week 4 - Note for TEAMS and Teacher Page"  and follow the instructions.  Additional documents that are referenced can be found under "Documents" on my Teacher Page.  In TEAMS,  everything can be found, on the TEAMS page  by clicking   Week #4 (left side of screen), read post from Ms. LaBerge, look under the "FILES" tab (still in week 4), read "Week #4 - Note for TEAMS and Teacher Page"  and access remaining documents in the same place.  Please do not hesitate to e-mail me if you  have any questions or difficulties.  I would also like to meet (live chat) with each TEAM as follows:

Pr. 1 - Monday, April 27 @ 11 AMWeek 4 - note for TEAMS and Teacher Page.docxWeek 4 - note for TEAMS and Teacher Page.docx

Pr. 2 - Tuesday, April 28 @ 11 AM

Pr. 3 - Wednesday,  April 29 @ 11 AM

Pr. 5 - Friday, May 1 @ 11 AM


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