FEC Bliss Carman Middle School > Teachers > Posts > 7FI Science - 7E, 7F, 7G, 7H, 7I
May 13
7FI Science - 7E, 7F, 7G, 7H, 7I

Sciences (Mme Whalen): Beth.whalen@nbed.nb.ca

Weekly focus: STEAM Activities (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math)

·         Youth Science Canada is launching an online STEM event.  Let your creativity run wild and share innovative ideas with the world remotely à  https://youthscience.ca/

·         Not sure what to do? Need an idea? à  Brainstorm Here!

·         Once you have a MAIN IDEA à ASK à What is a question that you can pose about this idea? Maybe try to get 2-3 questions going and then decide on one. THIS is your research question that you will aim to answer or explain in your work

·         If you are STILL stuck for an idea, maybe contemplate our biggest, collective challenge right now à Think about and share how or what you may change to help our communities, our climate and environment, or ourselves due to the pandemic we are all experiencing

·         A new way to help in this new world? Read about this Robotic Dog who has joined the fight against COVID-19

·         Enrichment Activities: 

à  Making and Using a Field Journal

à  Making and Using a Scientific Experiment Journal

à  It’s Never Too Early to Think and Communicate Like a Scientist​


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