Latest News
April 25
International Host Families

​Atlantic Education International (AEI) is looking for host families for international students. 

Host Families Wanted for International Students.JPGHost Families Wanted for International Students.JPG

September 29
MS Teams Handbook for Students / Parents
August 27
Virtual Tour of QMS
November 29
School Closure: Activities for Students

​When it beocmes necessary for school to be closed due to inclement weather, students are still able to take part in meaningful learning. Suggested activities include:

- independant reading

- journal writing

- independent research (Project)

- work assigned from teacher websites

- work on upcoming projects / assignments

- free websites:

   - Khan Academy (math) <>

   - Prodigy Math <>

   - Readworks <>


August 29
QMS Cell Phone Policy - updated Sept 2024

High value items such as cell phones, gaming devices, etc., are not permitted during the school day, and for security reasons should be kept at home, or secured in lockers. The school holds no responsibility for the security of these items should students choose to bring them to school.

As above, and in accordance with Provincial Policy 311, cell phone use is not permitted unless for authorized educational or medical purposes. Phones brought to school must be secured in lockers throughout the day, including breaks and lunch. 

Consequences for not adhering to the policy are as follows: 1st Infraction: phone brought to the office and returned at end of the day; 2nd Infraction: phone brought to the office, returned at end of day and lunch detention; 3rd Infraction: phone brought to the office, held until parent / guardian picks up, and loss of privilege to bring phone to school. 

Taking photos or recording others without permission, is strictly prohibited. All reports of inappropriate images / video will result in a referral to the KV Police.​ 


August 29
Safe Arrivals Program

QMS is currebtly using the 'Safe Arrivals' automated program. We hope that this will more easily allow parents to report student absense, and for the school to track attendance. Please see the attached documentation for more information.


Safe Arrival FAQ - Sept 2019.docxSafe Arrival FAQ - Sept 2019.docx

 Record an absence using one of the following methods:

Call toll-free:  1-833-219-9065

•             Website:

•             Mobile app:  SchoolMessenger

For more info visit:​

January 18
Internet / Digital Safety Resources

​Please visit the Canadian Centre for Child Protection's website at or by calling 1-800-532-9135. This site contains a number of very informative resources to help parents naviagate the very difficult and challenging issues that arise as our children enter the digital world of social media.

September 16
Medic Alert

​The No Child Without program through Medic Alert offers free Medic Alert bracelets to students aged 14 years and under. Brouchures are now available in the main office, however you are also able to register by phone by calling: 1-877-282-5378 between 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM. Prior to calling you must measure your child's wrist and select the bracelet you wnat by visiting the Medic Alert website at If you encounter any difficulties ordering by phone, please advise the agent that Rob Gordon has authorized the order.



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