Anglophone South School District Skip Navigation LinksHome > Belleisle Regional High School > Principal Message
Welcome to another fun filled year of learning here at Belleisle Regional High School. I am the principal of the school and my name is Micheal Chaisson. It is with great honour that I am in the position to guide the staff in delivering the best education and the sharing of life lessons that your child could possibly have.
I come to Belleisle Regional High School after spending seven years as one of the vice-principals of Saint John High School, in Saint John. I am excited to be at the school as I have heard nothing but great things about the students, the teachers, the very supportive parent community, including the Home and School association and the Parent School Support Council. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the volunteers that gave their time and efforts and hope that your involvement in the future of your child (s) continues. At the end of the day we are a team working toward a shared end goal. To make Belleisle Regional High School a better place for your son/daughter to come and learn.
In closing I would like to share that I have an open door policy and welcome any questions you may have about the school and your child (s) education.
Sincerely yours
Micheal Chaisson