Kennebecasis Valley High School
Parent School Support Committee
November 4, 2003

Attendance: Betty Locke (chair), Kelly Munkittrick, Brian Flewwelling, Nick Papadopoulos, Patrick Dunn, Clair Barefoot, Katelynn Craig, Tammy Oliver, Monique Caissie, Robert Munro, Patty Donovan (recording secretary).

Regrets: Darrell Belyea, Katie Oliver, John Mulligan


Call to order

Approval of the Agenda

The agenda was adopted as circulated.

Approval of the minutes:

October 8, 2003 minutes were accepted moved by Betty and seconded by Nick

Motion Carried


1. DEC minutes- for our information, were circulated

Old Business

2. Robert briefly presented the results of the Grad Study, which will not be released to the public until early December.

ACTION: Robert to provide committee with a summery of the results.

3. A supplier of new tampon and condom machines has not been located. Machines have been observed in the washrooms at some Tim Horton's outlets.

ACTION: Patty to contact Tim Horton's to access tampon machines.

4. Concern was expressed that funding no longer exists to have a Public Health nurse in the Kennebecasis Valley schools. Students in the area cannot readily access organizations about sexual health issues as these organizations operate in the City of Saint John but not in the Valley and students here do not have access to public transportation to go there. Concern was also expressed that prostitution is growing in the Saint John area and among students.

ACTION: Patty to create a sexual health survey for review.

5. Air System update- no communications, as of yet.

6. Our budget for the year is $3213. An expenditure of up to $1600 for talk mail and phone lines was previously approved. A few small amounts from the end of last year were charged against this year's budget resulting in approximately $1500. left for use.

ACTION: Bob will discuss talk mail availability at the next staff meeting.

7. Tammy spoke to the Police and is setting up a meeting with the Community Officer to see what greater influence they can have on the school. Examples for discussion- increase police presence, student participation in Policing efforts, increase awareness.

New Business

Discipline Policy- Robert and Monique discussed the workings of the policy and answered questions. Overall, staff feel the new policy is making a difference.

ACTION: All members to give thought to Garbage issue. "What would increase school pride" or "what would trigger change"?

Review of the Internal and External Report- brief discussion and comments.

Student Report

Discussion about number of staff on duty at lunchtime. 2 should be outdoors patrolling the grounds at a time, 4 per lunch hour.

School Improvement Group

Monique reported that teachers are beginning a wellness walking club with an indoor walking program at the school. She also reported on the smoking issue. The group is looking at funding to run a smoking cessation program through Ridgewood Treatment Services. The group is also considering looking at drug use and alcohol use and feel that more education about these subjects is needed. PSSC could be supportive of this effort.

ACTION: Monique to talk to her committee about partnering with the PSSC on these issues.

Principle's Report

Boiler issue discussed.

Smoking is an ongoing issue that is being dealt with.

Workroom- things going well with the program. The focus of the workroom has shifted

to serve the school and not the entire District. More information will follow.

PD day- staff informed of white Jerseys program

Adjournment 9:00pm

Next Meeting December 9, 2003 @ 7:00pm