Kennebecasis Valley High School
Parent School Support Committee
Minutes of Regular Meeting
February 5, 2003
Present: Robert Munro, Nick Papadopoulos, Tammy Oliver, Marilyn Holder, Betty Locke, Darrell Belyea, Katelynn Craig, Claire Barefoot
Absent: Brian Flewelling, Rodrique Hebert, Shara Munn
Call to Order
Betty Locke called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Approval of Agenda
The agenda was approved as presented.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the January 8, 2003 meeting were approved as circulated.
No correspondence was received.
Air Quality Presentation
A presentation by Lori Reid was made to the members of the committee on school air quality. She outlined problems that occurred as a result of poor air quality and/or chemicals in our environment. Discussions on ventilation, air quality testing, molds etc. were held and what District policy has been concerning these areas. The school will continue to document instances of any health concerns for teachers and students.
Library Update
Tammy reported briefly on the library. Posters and other information have been made and put up concerning library policy for students and teachers. A voice mail message was also sent to student's homes.
PSSC Budget
The PSSC budget was discussed. The PSSC budget is $3,189 less $28.75 for bulletin board supplies. Approximately $900.00 will be allocated for four phone lines and $500.00 for Talk Mail. Additional funds of $200 were allocated to Teacher Appreciation Week and refreshments for Parent/Teacher meetings.
The committee discussed other potential uses for the balance of these funds and it was felt that some of the other uses that were discussed at the January meeting (cafeteria seating etc.) were not really eligible. There were also logistical problems with seating (fire marshal) and timing of when the funds should be spent. The remaining budget was allocated for paper supplies for the school.
Teacher Appreciation Week
Teacher appreciation week dates have been set. (February 10 to 14, 2003). We will provide treats for the staff again this year. Tammy coordinated this with help from Betty.
Students Report
The students still have concerns re locks in the washrooms that are not working and the tampon and condom machines in the washrooms are empty. This is to be addressed with the custodian.
Principal's Report
Mr. Munro returned to the school as principal on January 28th. The committee welcomed Mr. Munro back to the meeting. The companies that would like to present for Grad photos will be at the next meeting of the Committee on March 12, 2003.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
Next meeting March 12, 2003 at 7:30 p.m.