Kennebecasis Valley High School
Parent School Support Committee
December 9, 2003
Attendance: Betty Locke, Brian Flewwelling, Nick Papadopoulos, Patrick Dunn,
Katelynn Craig, Tammy Oliver, Monique Caissie, Robert Munro,
Regrets: Darrell Belyea, Katie Oliver, John Mulligan, Kelly Munkittrick, Clair Barefoot,
Patty Donovan
Approval of the Agenda
The agenda was adopted as circulated.
Workroom presentation by Diane O'Connor
The workroom is a partnership between District 6 and Training and Employment Development. There is only one other such center in the province, located at Simonds High School. These centers are a pilot project aimed at educating students about their career choices and improving students' transition into the work force. The workroom has five internet access computers providing students with access to a variety of self-assessing programs, career cruising and information to assist them in making career choices. Diane O'Connor operates the workroom under the direction of a Board of Advisors. Information about the workroom can be found on their website or through
Approval of the minutes:
The minutes of November 4, 2003 were adopted with one correction; under discipline policy, remove the word 'new'.
A letter has been received from Janet Ellis on Anglophone Public Education in New Brunswick. The letter was received through our email address on the school website.
It was moved by Brian and seconded by Tammy that this item be moved to next month to allow all members to think about this issue. Carried.
Old Business
1. Bob reported on the grad study. Provincially only 30% of students go on to post-secondary education, however, in our district it is over 60%. Of those who choose to pursue post secondary studies 80% do so in New Brunswick. 47% of post secondary students change programs or quit during or after their fist year. 86% of post secondary students felt school had prepared them somewhat or very well for continued studies. Graduates who chose to enter the workforce did so because they wanted or needed money. 79% of these graduates felt school prepared them somewhat or very well for the workforce. Graduates rated English skills as more important than computer skills for post high school life. Students are most influenced by their parents and family, followed by budget constraints, then the influence of teachers and then the influence of friends.
2. The garbage problem was discussed. It was generally agreed that students do not take pride in their surroundings as the furniture and the school appears old and looks run down. The problem is most prevalent in the main lobby and the downstairs lobby particularly during breaks and lunch. The question was raised whether outside groups using the school contribute to the garbage problem. Bob reported that groups using the school must leave the area in the same condition it was in when they arrived. To combat the problem it was suggested a combination of techniques be employed including communication and awareness, before and after posters, and reward and recognition. It was suggested committee members contact merchants for 'prizes'.
ACTION: Brian to summarize suggestions for distribution. Monique will take these suggestions to the school improvement group and Mr. Davis for distribution to student council.
3. Tammy queried if anyone recalls from the photography presentations last year if the size of the class picture was specified. In the past students could purchase an 11x14 class picture for $5. Students who obtained their grad pictures through Oak Tree this year received a free 8x10 class picture. Other students had the option to purchase a class picture. The consensus was that no one recalled the size of the free class picture being specified.
ACTION: Bob will clarify the size of the free class picture being offered for next year.
Student Report
Smokers are staying more in their designated area although it has been observed that some are late for class. A smoking cessation program by Ridgewood has started.
ACTION: Tammy offered to bring in posters.
School Improvement Group
Monique reported that the wellness walking club is not underway as there are concerns about safety.
Principle's Report
Our Smart Ask team made it to the final eight teams before being defeated. A banner is being prepared for the school.
A school improvement planning in-service has taken place. Each department will have their plan to Bob by December 15th. It was suggested that each department identify one or two specific goals. It was suggested that our committee submit a plan as well.
Bob advised that he will be doing promotion of Advanced Placement programs in Nova Scotia.
It was suggested that specific plans should be identified for use of the courtyard.
Our school will be hosting ten grade eleven Chinese students from January 25th to June 25th. Sandra O'Brian will act as co-ordinator. Rothesay High is also hosting ten students.
Tammy requested money from the PSSC budget for staff appreciation. Last year expenses were about $160. It was agreed that Tammy could use $175 from the budget for staff appreciation this year.
Tammy also mentioned that she needs the list of parent volunteers for safe grad.
ACTION: Bob will obtain the list for Tammy.
Adjournment 8:55pm
Next Meeting January 6, 2004 @ 7:00pm